We are a team of NDIS registered professionals who work together to provide a network of support that helps people feel empowered, achieve positive outcomes and live their best lives.
As members of our teams, NDIS registered Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners help to reduce behaviours of concern and improve quality of life.
Positive Behaviour Support is an approach that uses principles of person centred practice and upholds a person’s human rights. Behaviours that impact a person’s quality of life and opportunity to participate in their local community are often referred to as ‘challenging behaviour’ or ‘behaviour of concern’. We support the enrichment of your life and choice in your decisions.
We can help you explore why behaviours are happening and ways to do things differently. With your guidance, we support you to implement new ways to learn skills and strategies to help with difficulties you may be experiencing. We may create effective communication strategies or provide help to work towards life goals. Our support plans are unique for each person.
As members of your team, we will work with you, your families and networks to ensure you feel supported.
The first step in Positive Behaviour Support is to try to understand the reasons behind challenging behaviours by considering factors such as communication difficulties, sensory sensitivities, or unmet needs that may be driving the behaviour.
Positive Behaviour Support recognises that each individual has unique strengths, preferences and needs. It focuses on their strengths, preferences, and needs and involves them in the decision-making process.
Positive Behaviour Support emphasises the teaching of new skills as an alternative to challenging behaviours and provides appropriate support and training to help people learn more effective ways to communicate, manage their emotions and interact with others.
Positive Behaviour Support looks at modifying the environment to make it more accommodating and supportive. This could involve changes in physical surroundings, daily routines or communication.
Positive Behaviour Support collaborates a consistent and positive support system by collaborating with families, support workers and professionals.
Our Positive Behaviour Specialist will discuss your goals with you and how we can work together.
Together, we will create plan to achieve your goals.
Together, we will take steps to achieve your goals and continue to monitor how things are going and support you, to make the most of every day.
If there is currently no availability for a service, you can join the waitlist to be informed when space becomes available.
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A Behaviour Support Practitioner is someone who has been trained to effectively develop a range of Behaviour Support Plans and complete functional assessment of behaviour. For NDIS participants they are also registered with the Quality and Safeguard Commission.
A Positive Behaviour Support plan is a tailored set of actions created in consultation with the participant and their support network to address behaviours of concern.
Baptist Care SA provides Positive Behaviour Support to people aged 7 and above.
Baptist Care SA acknowledges we work on the lands of the Kaurna, Peramangk and Boandik people. We respect the ongoing skilful custodianship of lands, skies and waters and the continuous deep cultural connection with Country. We pay respect to Elders and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from all Countries, Nations and Mobs.
Ngadlu tampinthi Kaurna miyurna yaitya yarta-mathanya Wama. Tarntanyaku, ngadluku piipawarpulayi kuu Kaurna yartangka tikanthi.
(We acknowledge the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains as the traditional owners of the land on which our office sits.)
Ngathu putama nhu mraat, mraat Boandikat wulnuwitjara Berrinat ba mraatat mingru Berrin (I recognise this country (is) the country of the Boandik, the custodians of Mt Gambier and the country around Mt Gambier.)