Baptist Care SA News

Patrick uses his skills to bless others

Patrick uses his skills to bless others


Over four million Australians are currently living with a disability*.

But this shouldn’t mean letting go of their hopes or dreams.


Patrick was drawing closer to finishing high school. He wanted help with achieving his goals; learning new skills, becoming more mobile, making community
connections and getting a job.


He was referred to Baptist Care SA, an NDIS Service Provider. The NDIS provides people living with disability support, choice and control to access the services which will help them to achieve
their goals.


Patrick was connected with Sally through the Baptist Care SA Mentoring Program. He’s one of over 30 people who have received mentor support from Baptist Care SA through their NDIS approved plan in the past year. Together, Patrick and Sally have visited expos and taken part in community activities.


Sally went with Patrick to his first bike training session, riding alongside him and practising with him afterwards at home.

“I was scared about going on a bike without training wheels,” says Patrick, who says he was “happy and excited” when he mastered the skill.


The two also shop and cook together. Patrick has a heart for social justice and was eager to bless others with his new cooking skills. Together, he and Sally regularly donate small meals that Patrick has prepared to people in need.

“We’ve seen massive growth in his confidence and initiative,” says Patrick’s mother, Bernadette.


Developing home and work skills continues to be a focus for Patrick. As a passionate animal lover, he’s also recently completed an animal course. He’s currently undertaking a VET course and is continuing to strive towards his goals of taking up a sport and getting paid employment.


To learn more about how the NDIS can help you or someone you know, please call 8273 7190.


*Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS] 2016, Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers 2015.

Baptist Care SA meets on the lands of the Kaurna, Peramangk and Boandik people. We respect the ongoing skilful custodianship of lands, skies and waters and the continuous deep cultural connection with Country. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from all Countries, Nations and Mobs.