Funded projects
current and previous ccp funded projects

Current and previous CCP funded projects

Blackwood Hills Baptist Church

Get Out – Young people are engaged in mentoring or group activities with many becoming fully integrated into their local community, learning life skills such as camping, meal planning and how to prepare for a house inspection.

Clovercrest Baptist

Kids COACH Mentoring – A school-based COACH Mentoring Program in which trained Christian mentors from Clovercrest Baptist Church offer friendship through onsite activities at local schools to vulnerable children referred by the primary school.

Rostrevor Baptist

Enrich Life Clay Cup Ministry – A café training and mentoring program designed to upskill vulnerable participants struggling with unemployment, mental health pressures etc. with both hard hospitality skills and soft inter-personal skills that build their confidence and capacity and increase their employability.

Soul Food

Community Meals Program – A meals preparation training and mentoring program designed to upskill vulnerable participants with the skills to create meals and increase confidence and employability.

Enfield Baptist

English as a Second Language Program – A variety of English as Second Language classes each week at different levels to help students with language learning and connections.

Blackwood Hills Baptist

Hours – A driver mentoring program that works to see economically and socially vulnerable young people at risk of homelessness supported to gain the required hours of driving practice to achieve their provisional license.

Port Pirie Baptist

Community of Hope Creative Arts Project – An community art program that aims to foster artistic expression and community connection.

Grange Baptist Church

A school-based COACH Mentoring Program in which trained Christian mentors from Grange Baptist Church offer friendship through onsite activities at local schools to vulnerable children referred by the primary school.

Clovercrest Baptist Church

Family COACH Mentoring: A strengths- based family mentoring program, based around participants self-identified goals. This program supports vulnerable people with children under twelve years old to increase their connection with others, be empowered to recognise and use their own strengths and local resources to find solutions for their own self-identified challenges. Clovercrest have strong opportunities for referrals through their Pathway Community Centre.

Christies Beach Baptist

SAFE Centre – Focusing on domestic violence in the southern suburbs. 

Baptist Care SA, lives, works and walks on Kaurna, Peramangk and Boandik lands. We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the state’s first peoples, recognise their traditional ownership, and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs, deep connection and continued guardianship of land and waters. We value the contributions of Elders past and present, and are committed to learning from those emerging.