Baptist Care SA News

Shane Austin Appointed as Baptist Care SA’s New CEO

Shane Austin Appointed as Baptist Care SA’s New CEO

Experienced community sector executive Shane Austin has been appointed as Baptist Care SA’s new CEO after relocating from Victoria to take up the role.

Prior to this, Shane Austin had an established relationship with Baptist Care SA having taken a leadership and governance role in the establishment of the Toward Home Alliance partnership in South Australia.

Shane has held senior executive management roles for more than 15 years in specialist homelessness services, community housing, cross-cultural international development and social justice philanthropy. He also has a background in business law, science and theology.

Baptist Care SA Chair Julie Lawrie said Shane’s balance of skills, knowledge and experience stand in him good stead for the role.

“His corporate experience spanning organisational development, strategic planning and stakeholder engagement coupled with his faith and a passion for social change and public policy will be invaluable to Baptist Care SA,” said Ms Lawrie.

“Shane takes up the role at a pivotal time for Baptist Care SA as the organisation continues to grow key services including homelessness services and disability services through the NDIS.”

A message from our new CEO:

I want my first action as the new CEO to be a shout out and acknowledgement to the extraordinary team at Baptist Care SA, for their ongoing work and diligence in trying times; accompanied by a heartfelt thank you to all our patrons for your ongoing support of Baptist Care SA.

My focus is on delivering great outcomes and experiences for our clients, their families and our staff, with the community at the heart of everything we do here at Baptist Care SA.

I am excited about what lies ahead for our organisation as I work with the staff to build upon our rich history supporting communities across South Australia.

Baptist Care SA meets on the lands of the Kaurna, Peramangk and Boandik people. We respect the ongoing skilful custodianship of lands, skies and waters and the continuous deep cultural connection with Country. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from all Countries, Nations and Mobs.