Baptist Care SA News

Sky’s the Limit

Sky’s the Limit

Upcoming artists experiencing poverty and/or homelessness have been mentored by professional artists to develop their talents through a partnership between Baptist Care SA and Fly Bird Fly Studio.

Over the past four years, Art on the Wing has provided 51 artists with employment training, run 135 workshops, and seen stunning work produced for exhibition and sale over the years. The success of the program saw its funding extended a further year, until June 2022.

Vera is one of the 37 talented artists who has been mentored through the program. An Alyawarre and Kaytej woman, Vera loves painting bush tucker and animals, landscapes, and people engaged in traditional activities. She wanted to use her gift to support her family as her grandmother had done, but she wasn’t confident she could produce artwork that people would buy.

Vera received art materials, pricing advice, and marketing assistance which included investigating social media options, and help with setting up business cards and an Instagram account. 

Six months later Vera is well on her way to running a sustainable business. She is passing on her skills and cultural stories to her family and has sold over 100 paintings. 

The profits have helped her to pay for her grandson’s swimming lessons, and bought art and school materials, and household goods.

“I paint because it makes me feel happy inside and takes the stress out of my body. Art is very important to me. It shares culture with my grandchildren, so they know where they come from.” 

We wish all professional and upcoming artists associated with Art on the Wing all the best for the future. 


Art on the Wing was funded by the Department of Social Services.

Baptist Care SA meets on the lands of the Kaurna, Peramangk and Boandik people. We respect the ongoing skilful custodianship of lands, skies and waters and the continuous deep cultural connection with Country. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from all Countries, Nations and Mobs.